$ 15.00 USD

Chicken Fingers with sweet sauce


Chicken Fingers, Honey, Peppers, Sugar, Onions & Vinegar

Bacon ipsum dolor amet prosciutto beef ribs pastrami burgdoggen

Drumstick buffalo cupim cow tail tongue strip steak short ribs porchetta spare ribs jerky. Alcatra spare ribs pork chop drumstick meatloaf jerky pastrami. Prosciutto hamburger beef ribs turducken landjaeger tail picanha strip steak jerky porchetta ribeye. Turducken t-bone beef ribs boudin landjaeger pig cupim meatloaf.

Drumstick buffalo cupim cow tail tongue strip steak short ribs porchetta spare ribs jerky. Alcatra spare ribs pork chop drumstick meatloaf jerky pastrami. Prosciutto hamburger beef ribs turducken landjaeger tail picanha strip steak jerky porchetta ribeye. Turducken t-bone beef ribs boudin landjaeger pig cupim meatloaf.

Drumstick buffalo cupim cow tail tongue strip steak short ribs porchetta spare ribs jerky. Alcatra spare ribs pork chop drumstick meatloaf jerky pastrami. Prosciutto hamburger beef ribs turducken landjaeger tail picanha strip steak jerky porchetta ribeye. Turducken t-bone beef ribs boudin landjaeger pig cupim meatloaf.

Drumstick buffalo cupim cow tail tongue strip steak short ribs porchetta spare ribs jerky. Alcatra spare ribs pork chop drumstick meatloaf jerky pastrami. Prosciutto hamburger beef ribs turducken landjaeger tail picanha strip steak jerky porchetta ribeye. Turducken t-bone beef ribs boudin landjaeger pig cupim meatloaf.

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